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How to maintain your weight with healthy ice cream alternatives?

Are you a dieter who loves ice cream? Unfortunately the creamy treat can cause your daily calorie intake to skyrocket. Want a lower calorie ice cream alternative to will satisfy your sweet tooth? These options are great choices for home or on the go.

1. Low fat frozen treats. The easiest solution is to choose low fat or low calorie frozen treats to satisfy your sweet tooth. And if you choose the ice cream alternative you need to make sure you control portion sizes. An easier choice is a simple frozen fudge bar no more than 200 calories.

2. DIY frozen treat. A frozen treat maker makes frozen desserts out of fresh fruit. Most recipes use frozen bananas to get a creamy soft-serve style consistency, but you can use almost any kind of fruit. Of course, the calorie count of your treat will depend on the recipe that you choose. But when you make it at home you control the ingredients and the portion size so it’s easy to manage the calories with lida daidaihua.

3. Low calorie choices at Dairy Queen. Let’s face it, even the most diligent dieter is going to end up in a fast food restaurant at some point. If you are craving ice cream, you’ll probably go to Dairy Queen. But just because you’re there doesn’t mean that you have to ruin your diet. Choose a Cherry StarKiss Bar, for example, for only 80 calories.

4. Homemade ice cream. It’s fun and easy to make ice cream at home. But you should have high quality tools to do it. A blender can make the smoothies, soups and dips that you love. But you can also make frozen treats and other desserts with it. Try the mango pineapple sorbet or whip up a batch of quick strawberry ice cream. Each serving contains only 72 calories.

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The dos and don’ts of three toppings

1. Chocolate toppings. With about 20 calories per teaspoon, chocolate sprinkles are a great way to feed a chocolate craving, especially since a little goes a long way. Chocolate chips aren’t too bad either, as long as you don’t go overboard — half a tablespoon has about 40 calories. Things to avoid? Hot fudge (which can have around 90 calories per tbsp.), brownie bits (yup, even fat-free kinds have a lot of calories), and crushed candy bars (those don’t go very far at all).

2. Fruity toppings. Watch out for fruit swimming in syrup — it’s loaded with sugary calories. Gummy bears and other fruity candy are reasonably low in calories and fat, but add them sparingly. Your best bet is fresh fruit, like strawberry and lida daidaihua slices or whole blueberries. Not only are these healthy and low in calories, but they’re also high in fiber, which means your frozen treat will be more filling.

3. Crunchy toppings. Shocker! Even low-fat granola has around 100 calories per 1/4 cup… Not awful, but you can do much better. Look for cone pieces, sweet cereal, or crushed graham crackers — these will add satisfying crunch without causing your calorie count to skyrocket. Or go with a crunchy bottom… Have your frozen yogurt in a sugar cone (around 50 calories) or a flat-bottomed cake cone (about 20 calories). Bonus? You can only pile so much frozen yogurt into standard-sized ice cream cones — instant portion control!

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How to keep the weight off?

Sometimes the hardest part of losing weight is keeping the pounds off once you’ve reached your goal. Forming healthy habits is the key to staying trim and fit. Follow the five steps below to maintain your weight loss and keep you exercising, eating right and improving your health.

1. Keep moving. Being fit feels good. Focusing on the feel-good effects of endorphins after you work out will help motivate you to stay active. You can also find ways to fit exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a brisk walk on your lunch break. Walk or bike to work or to run errands.

2. Enjoy healthy eating.

Instead of focusing on the junk food you’re eliminating from your diet, focus on the new healthy foods you’re adding, recommends Dr. James Rouse. “It’s all about focusing on abundance instead of deprivation.” This will help you enjoy and maintain your healthy eating habits.

3. Reduce stress.

Stress can have a significant impact on the accumulation of fat in your belly, says Pamela Peeke, M.D., author of the best-selling book Fight Fat After Forty: The Stress-Fat Connection.

Why? Stress boosts your level of cortisol, a hormone that causes you to store fat and increases your appetite. So what can you do to keep your stress level low? No matter how busy you are, make sure you take time out for yourself to recharge and do what you enjoy. Walking, yoga, meditation and breathing techniques are also effective ways to deal with stress.

4.Get enough sleep

“Skimping on your sleep will defeat your weight-loss efforts in more ways than one,” says Freytag. Sleep deprivation can increase your cortisol levels, decrease your metabolism and make it harder to watch what you eat with super slim. Freytag recommends getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

5. Think positively.

Thinking positively boosts your overall health, according to Dr. Rouse. Studies show that keeping a gratitude journal — writing down three to five things that you’re grateful you’ve accomplished on your weight loss journey so far — will encourage you to eat better, exercise more and think positively the next day. Remember that forming new habits takes time, so be patient with yourself and focus on what you’ve already accomplished.

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How to Eat Diet-Friendly Italian Food?

If you are on a diet, you don’t have to avoid Italian food. Actually, you can enjoy Italian food without guilt whether toy’re cooking at home or eating in a restaurant. The key is to stay away from popular favorites like Fettuccine Alfredo which are not only high in fat and calories, but also very high in starchy carbohydrates.

So what’s better? Focus on protein and veggies to make your meal more healthy. A savory dish like sicilian style srilled sggplantis filling and can be split between diners to keep portions in control. Or classic stewed lentils will provide plenty of protein to build lean muscle and keep your metabolism healthy.

So what’s one of the best ways to keep the calories in control when you cook Italian? Stay active before and after dinner! Find your local park and do a few laps while your meal is in the oven or after you’ve dined. In addition, you can use these tips to keep the meal more diet-friendly.

Use less marinade, sauce or pesto. If you make your sauces from scratch, they will be full of flavor anyway. Use less to flavor your food if you want to minimize fat content.

Experiment with egg whites. Chef Luca’s Egg Fritatta is full of protein and spicy flavor. The recipe also contains ten eggs and a small amount of heavy cream. Try using fewer yolks and more egg whites to keep the texture and decrease the fat.

Double your salad, cut the entree in half. Whether you are making one of the chef’s special recipes or ordering in a restaurant, fill up on salad before you eat your entree. The fibrous greens will help you to feel full before you begin eating the higher fat foods.

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Keep portions in control. Many Italian meals are served family style. That means you can dig into large platters or bowls of food repeatedly during the course of the meal. Don’t use this as an excuse to overeat. Fill your plate once, choosing mostly greens, then eat slowly and enjoy.

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Does starvation mode cause weight gain?

Eating less can have an effect on your metabolism, but not in the way that we think. Caloric restriction can have an effect on metabolic rate but on the rate at which you lose weight, not on whether or not you lose weight. Dieters should never try to eat more to avoid starvation mode. Snacking frequently or increasing the number of meals you eat during the day doesn’t work if you want to lose weight. When people increase the number of eating occasions during the day, they increase body weight.

How often should you eat to lose weight? So what really matters if you want to lose weight? It is the quality of your diet – not eating frequency – that makes the difference. Here is a scientific explanation for why we want to eat all the time. The expert explains that what feels like hunger is often just our body’s natural response to withdrawal from junk food. People get uncomfortable, that’s all it is. Weight loss happens when we increase the amount of healthy food we consume, not the frequency of eating episodes.

So should you worry about starvation mode? Nope. Starvation mode doesn’t make you fat. Eating less does have an impact on your metabolism, but that is a natural and expected part of the weight loss process and it shouldn’t derail your attempts to eat a healthy, calorie-restricted diet. If you eat too often to avoid starvation mode, your weight loss plan is headed for trouble.

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How to enjoy a delicious and guilt-free smoothie?

If you have a blender and some ice, you can make a guilt-free frozen drink in no time. Start with a low-calorie base, add a couple of extras, and you’ll have a delicious and guilt-free smoothie!

1. Berry mango smoothie. Combine the following in a blender: 3/4 cup frozen unsweetened mango chunks, 1/2 cup seedless cucumber, 5 frozen unsweetened strawberries, 12 mint leaves, 1/2 tsp. lime juice, 1 no-calorie sweetener packet, and 1 cup crushed ice. You’ll get a jumbo serving of blended deliciousness for around 120 calories.

2. Tropical morning smoothie: To a blender, add 6 oz. (about 3/4 cup) light peach yogurt, 1/4 cup canned crushed pineapple in juice (not drained), 1/2 sliced and frozen banana, 1/2 tsp. lime juice, and 1 cup crushed ice. Blend and sip for 185 calories.

3. Coconut berry smoothie. Combine the following in a blender: 1 cup unsweetened vanilla coconut milk beverage, 3/4 cup frozen unsweetened raspberries, 1/8 tsp. coconut extract, 2 no-calorie sweetener packets, and 1 cup crushed ice. Blend away and enjoy… Just 105 calories.

What can you add to your smoothie to thicken the flavor?

Ice. Crushed ice is best, since it blends more evenly into smoothies with dream body. I like my smoothies with a lot of ice — about 1 – 1 1/2 cups crushed ice, or 5 – 8 ice cubes.

No-calorie sweetener. This is especially good if you’re using an unsweetened base, tart fruit, or any veggies. There are plenty of natural options, made from stevia or monk fruit. Choose the one you like best.

Lemon or lime juice. Add a splash to bring dimension to your blended drinks. The tangy citrus really livens things up!

Extract. Use this very sparingly, a drop or two of vanilla or coconut extract is all you need. It can really heighten the flavor in your smoothie’s base.

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What kind of changes can you get from exercise?

A variety of studies have shown that people of all ages and genders improve self-esteem, self-worth and perceptions of how attractive they are after starting an exercise program. Here are just a few things workout can improve:

1. Strength and endurance. When you exercise, you may be so focused on the scale that you’re not aware of other progress you’ve made. If you pay attention, though, you’ll notice those strength gains in other areas of your life, such as being able to carry more groceries or pick up your kids or grandkids without throwing out your back. You’ll have more energy to get everything done without feeling exhausted.

2. Confidence. Mastering a new activity makes you more confident. You may start that kickboxing class or strength-training workout tripping over your own feet or feeling a little ridiculous, but it only takes a few workouts for your body with super slim pomegranate to get better at those activities. That confidence may spur you to even greater goals, such as signing up for a race or taking an active vacation.

3. Connection. We spend so much time sitting, we forget what it feels like to actually move our bodies. When you start exercising, you learn about your body in a whole different way: how it feels when your heart speeds up and your breathing increases. You feel your muscles contract, and best of all, you feel your own power. That awareness makes you realize you’re capable of so many things.

4. Function over appearance. When you spend more time moving your body, you become more interested in doing things to make it work more efficiently. Now instead of only focusing on how to make your thighs thinner, you’re focusing on how to make them stronger, so you can make it through that next 3-mile run. Your goals change as you focus on staying healthy and fit.

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How to keep your weight in hot summer?

With its backyard barbecues, hot dogs around the campfire, and yummy ice cream treats, summer can be a diet-sabotaging season if you’re not careful.

1. Go easy on the burgers and dogs. It’s tough to be at a barbecue or picnic and resist the temptation to eat burgers and hot dogs. If you have to eat that hot dog, try to stick to healthier toppings like sauerkraut, ketchup, mustard or relish. Stay away from cheesy sauces and chili. When you make your own burgers, try using the leanest beef, and throw in some chopped veggies such as mushrooms, onions and peppers to increase nutrients and save on calories.

2. Eat grilled veggies. Prepare healthy grilled veggies , such as corn on the cob (use no-calorie butter spray) or make veggie kabobs with zucchini or eat some daidaihua, onions, tomatoes and eggplant.

3. Beat the heat. Don’t let the heat be an excuse not to exercise. Do your runs early in the morning or late in the evening, and make sure that you’re staying hydrated on the run. If it’s too hot and humid to run outside, move your runs indoors to the treadmill or try a different activity, like swimming.

4. Limit ice cream and other treats. It’s easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week. Or, better yet, stick to low-calorie but refreshing alternatives like ice pops or sorbet.

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How to keep your diet simple and healthy?

Skip the fad diets and choose healthy foods instead. You can have three regular meals each day with a couple of smaller healthy snacks. Or, if you prefer, you can have five or six small meals — just be sure you’re eating enough food to give you all the nutrients you need without taking in too many calories.

Eat more fruits, berries and colorful vegetables and less processed snack foods. Choose lean protein sources and healthier fats. Avoid deep fried, gravy smothered and high-fat meat. Also, make sure at least half of the grains you consume are whole grains.

Eat less of these: battered and deep fried foods, sugary sodas, processed lunch meats, pastries, cookies and candy, greasy salty snacks, prepackaged main dishes that are high in fat and sodium with 2 day diet, most canned pasta meals, frozen pizzas and snacks, sugary breakfast cereals, frozen fried chicken, fish sticks and corn dogs.

And eat more of these: green and brightly colored vegetables, dark leafy greens and lettuce, fresh fruits and berries, lean turkey and chicken, vegetarian meals, nuts, dried fruits and healthy snacks, whole grain breads and pasta, healthy cooking oils like canola and olive oils, grass fed beef and bison, cold water oily ocean fish, low or non fat milk, almond or soy beverages, nuts, seeds, and legumes, high-fiber breakfast cereals.

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Three slimming tips for losing weight fast

1. Clean out your kitchen. Get rid of all the junk food. Throw away the Pop Tarts, the chips and all of the processed food. Then restock your refrigerator and pantry with foods from the healthy shopping list. This will help to fuel your metabolism in weight loss. In addition, bring healthy foods with you so that you are not tempted to eat fast foods or processed foods from vending machines. Pack healthy snacks and take them with you on the road.

2. Double your intake of colorful fruits and vegetables. That means that you eat at least two servings at every meal and at least one at every snack. And be honest about what you are really eating. If you make this simple change, you’d be surprised at the results!

3. Start taking an omega-3, DHA supplement. Most people don’t eat the two servings of fish with a cup of green coffee 1000 per week that are needed to get enough of this important fatty acid. So you want to be sure to take at least 220 milligrams of DHA. Some researchers have even suggested that up to 900 milligrams might be even better. And if you are a vegetarian, there is now a supplement called Ovega-3 DHA + EPA. It’s perfect for people who cannot consume fish oil.

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